prairie side 2.jpg

North Delhi 

The North Delhi spec home sits down-hill on nutrient rich soil, and in its vacancy has become rich with wild grasses, local flowers and shrubs. The home lays flat to the ground and almost all of the openings are designed with this prairie in mind. The home slightly folds to frame two views into the site, and includes ample outdoor area to rest.  
The majority of the cladding is made up of a “hard and cold” surface, corrugated steel, but in curated moments these steel peel away to reveal warm finished wood. The front of the house is mostly steel and designed to feel as if its fortifying itself against the street, while the back is opening up to that nature behind. 

fg 1. roadside view

fg 1. roadside view

fg 2. entry rendering

fg 2. entry rendering

The front of the home faces a close by neighbor and a fairly busy dirt road. We decided to minimize windows on these faces, having a large electronically operated barn door style window on the east face, and a row of smaller windows in the north-east running hallway. 
This allows the feeling of protection, but also allows morning light into the hallway that connects the bedrooms to the nexus of the house. 
The entry carves into the steel siding and reveals a warm wood finish and a recessed pivoting door clad in the same wood. A window was included that faces into the kitchen to allow the occupants to see their visitor before answering the door. 

fg 3. elevations and material details

fg 3. elevations and material details

fg 4. structural section + interior lighting studyThe top of the hallway is lined with recessed windows facing east, inset to allow the morning sunlight to run along the roof and walls, illuminating the wood clad space in a warm light. The…

fg 4. structural section + interior lighting study

The top of the hallway is lined with recessed windows facing east, inset to allow the morning sunlight to run along the roof and walls, illuminating the wood clad space in a warm light. 
The height of the hallway juxtaposes the 8ft ceilings of the bedrooms, which are open to the site via sliding glass doors. 

fg 5. floorplan

fg 5. floorplan

fg 6. exploded structural model

fg 6. exploded structural model